English spoken courses

If the regular Dutch Samen Bevallen course is not an option for you because you don’t speak or understand Dutch fluently (or you prefer to follow an English class), it is possible to follow a complete English course of 3 to 4 meetings. With sufficient entries this course is given as a group course, otherwise as a private course.

The maternity course Samen Bevallen (Birthing Together) helps you as parents to be prepared for the birth of your baby in an informative and practical way. During the course you will learn and practice different birthing techniques as well as all the do’s and don’ts about pregnancy and labor. The coaching role of the partner throughout the birth is one of the main focuses.

The course is given by pregnancy teachers that have been fully educated within the Samen Bevallen association. Our teachers follow annual training to stay up to date with the latest insights in the field. Many midwives and obstetricians throughout the country support and recommend the Samen Bevallen course. The main goal of the Samen Bevallen association is to give you and your baby the best start possible.

Some pregnancy teachers teach this course from home, others do this from another location. The course is given to a fixed group or as a private course.

The English spoken course costs between € 140,- and € 170,- for a group course (different per location) and between € 40,- and € 50,- per hour for a private course (different per location and travel costs may be added). More information about the course and the course dates can be found under the location of your choice.

"Wij kozen ervoor een cursus Samen Bevallen in het weekend te volgen als ideale combinatie tussen een weekendje weg en kennis op te doen over bevallen en kraamtijd. De locatie Roovertsche Leij was schitterend gelegen. Wij vonden het bijzonder prettig om de lessen af te wisselen met een ochtend of middag vrije tijd in de natuur om alle stof rustig te laten bezinken.

Onze docente was bijzonder openhartig en toegankelijk en wist alle stof op een informele maar kundige manier over te brengen. Ook de interactie met andere deelnemers was erg prettig. Er was ruim voldoende afwisseling tussen praktijk en theorie en er werd voorzien van een hoop items die je in en rondom de bevalling tegen kunt komen.

Al met al kan ik ‘Samen Bevallen’ van harte aanbevelen aan koppels die wat meer inkijk willen in de zwangerschaps -en kraamfase. Vooral de Weekendcurcus is ons erg goed bevallen omdat je op deze manier goed gefocussed met de stof aan de slag gaat."

Karin en Coen